The most recent at the top

The Art Sale was a great success
Rosemary Gowland (GSA Secretary) writes:
People not only bought something, they tried new techniques and went away with bargain materials to try out new skills.
We also had a new member join our society and many visitors who had not been to Nature in Art before were delighted to visit the museum and coffee shop. A couple of people I spoke to were interested in the art courses there. They're really great value for money with top artists who are good teachers leading them.
The images below were painted by visitors using ink from used computer printer cartridges. How much ink gets wasted in this way, and what a fun way to try it out. Just be careful to protect your clothes 😊 Thanks to Michael Butler for leading this workshop.

18th NOVEMBER 2024
John and Cathy Steed showed their work and spoke of the Gloucester Contemporary Artists.

Click here to hear the sound ^
August 19th 2024

JUNE 17th
Alison Sloggett
Led a workshop in printing artwork, using many methods.

MAY 20th
Gerald Crittle
Mixed Media
showed his
unusual creativity
See Gerald's website at

APRIL 15th Jackie Garner
" Egypt experience" - Jackie was allowed into the burial chambers to copy some of the artistry and then compare it with wildlife in the modern world.

Jackie Garner and Lapwing, ancient Egyptian and contemporary

Sketchbooks, even pigments as once used
GSA Workshop at Nature in Art
with Christine Dack February 2024

November 20th Christine Dack.
Christine talked about her sketchbooks and her delight in keeping them, showing us her creative use of colour

To see more of Christine's work go to
October 16th
Rebecca Northway.
Rebecca is a local talented photographer.
She showed us some of her beautiful work as an award winning professional as well as demonstrating her skills.
Please watch the video (click on the icon, lower right, to turn on the sound)
To contact her, or explore her work further, go to her website at

September 18th - Carole Bury.
We were enthralled by Carole's drawings and sculpting and sewing with paper.
Please watch the video:
(click on the icon to turn on sound)

Also please view her website
July 17th July - Still life drawing.
We provided the subject for you to paint or draw. Also an opportunity to try a medium you hadn’t tried before.

MON 19th June - David Thurwell
David Thelwell not only showed us his own beautiful art work in the studio at Nature in Art where is currently Artist in Residence but also showed us round the exhibition of his father Norman Thelwell of which details can be found at

This was a chance to practice our life-drawing skills with Jackie’s practical help and advice.

Talked about his former and current work creating imaginative puppetry including those in his latest exhibition
We enjoyed Anthony's inspiring demonstration especially his Audrey Hepburn doll